Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Bridge by B.J.and Flowers and Colts

I finally got a bridge!  When B.J. and family were here, he can't sit still, so he decided he would do the bridge.  He had consulted with Bill.  Cowboy was going to do one, but it was going to be "serviceable" but probably not "fancy" as he would put it!
B.J. made the bridge the first day and painted it and then we all got to vote and decided that a handrail would be just the thing for ALL of us as the tread will be slick in the winter or when wet!  After the handrail was installed, B.J. knew it needed a little something extra so added the rings for pots and the rings would discourage the kids from swinging through the railing.  That is yet to be tested!  Ha!
Isn't that just what was needed there?  But, alas, the deer waited until the geraniums were much bigger and more beautiful and then they started on the blossoms.  Then they ate the leaves and on down to the roots.  I can't catch them, I don't shoot a gun, and I don't want to go to jail if I could shoot a gun as what would I do with the carcass?  Besides, I think Cowboy thinks there might be bullet holes in places not needing airing.

Today we went to Miles City to do errands and I bought two little pots of maroon mums.  I don't know whether to try them in the pots THERE or put them on my bench under the deck...

I have to show you how beautiful the strawberries WERE before the deer got to them too!!
Thanks, Jennifer, I loved it!!!
The strawberries were good!

I also have a couple of pictures of my iris.  They grow in spite of the gumbo, bless them!
We went to the neighbors as they are raising colts and it is so fun to see them!  Cowboy says to have them here is asking for trouble as the mortality rate is high--wire cuts, broken legs, you name it.  It is a good thing he doesn't let me go to the horse sales without him and he is very careful about me bidding on those "cute" colts! 
They are so fun to see.  Those mamas are very protective!

I have been so frustrated by the deer and my pots.  I was told they would not eat marigolds.  They have eaten all the blossoms, twice, off of a round bed I have.  They are biting the tomatoes off of the vine.  I have a protection of sorts up now.  They ate the leaves off of the pepper plant and then started on the peppers.  I was able to pick about five.  They ate the cantalope vine and fruit.  I had two that were coming along nicely.  If we didn't have fences around the trees, there would be no trees.  I think the deer are getting thicker than ever before.  Hunters, come!

Enough of that!  Hope you enjoyed the pictures of bridges, flowers, and babies!

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you watch your pup on the bridge, we had a step built out of the same material and Lobo got his toe nails caught in the mesh. Broke his toe and wouldnt come up them again. Otherwise I love it, it looks wonderful. Your flowers were so pretty.
