Thursday, July 23, 2009

One and Only Grandson's Third Birthday!

Here is Dad and our birthday boy! Things might not be going just right at the moment!

Cowboy PopPop and Poppop Vern waiting for the kids to get their plates full.

There is Dad, Auntie Jen, and Cowboy PopPop! What a birthday celebration!

Great Grandpa Vaughn is enjoying his hot dog.

There is nothing quite like cousins! These two are such good buddies!!
More cousins--even younger! Did I say we have nine grandgirls and only ONE grandboy! We do girls really well! Liv is our cute cut-up!

I am told that Angus likes watermelon almost as much as cake! There is just something about summer time, watermelon and kids...
Grandma Naomi stopping for a cute picture!
Great Grandma sampling the homemade ice cream as Mommy and Grammy are dishing up for everyone. Yum! Yum! Nothing like homemade ice cream, even if it is a little runny!
There seems to be a little trouble getting the combine out of the new fangled boxes with wires and dohickies. Many hands make light work!! Angus is patiently waiting for that combine.

It was such a fun get together and cousins just love an excuse to get together, there was mud, rocks, sidewalk chalk, and TOYS! The Dad put rocks around our house to help the water run away and the next day I found piles of the rocks on the rocks, no windows broken, so what the heck, they can be scattered around another time. I didn't get a picture taken of the door as there are many "kid prints" on the glass and I like to leave them for a few days to remind me of our sweet little ones! It makes me smile. And I notice they are getting higher and higher on the door!

Too much cake, way too much ice cream...Weight Watchers here I come.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we call the young man who turned 3, "The Heir Apparent"....he's probably the only reason we are still allowed to reside at Lang's Fork Inc.

    If you need kid prints on your glass, you just call. We will rent them out, cheap, for jobs like that, and landscape rock stacking.
