Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas, Past and Present

December 23, 2009

Last Friday I took Grandma to Billings. Her flight to Texas was Saturday morning. I stayed with Cari and Joey and his folks, Joe and Michele wanted to take us around to look at the Christmas lights. Grandma opted out but I am so glad the rest of us went. I have looked at lights in Billings before, but we went places I hadn't been. Of course I simply couldn't take all the pictures I wanted, but we got some. Our very favorite house had a silhouette of the nativity, but it just did not show up on the camera. Dusk would have been the best time for a picture, but it was beautiful. It just made us all stop and absorb the peace of it.
I think this house had over 20,000 lights. It was beautiful. Can you imagine stringing all those lights around and then having to take them down again???? There was another house that had thousands of lights and the owners had the lights rigged to the computer somehow and when the certain radio station played the music, the lights pulsed to the beat. It is beyond my realm of "computereze."

This yard was near the rims and lots of wooden decorations!

More of the same yard... My question to you, where in the world would one store that much stuff!!!!

This was a pretty yard also. There was one garish decoration that we saw at two different houses. It was a Santa Claus whose body waved--it was like a ghost and it was unnerving. None of us really liked it. Gaudy is the word...

We like our little tree. It fits us. Bill doesn't have to go cut one. There are no needles to clean up. It fits in our living room!

This decoration is very old. A friend's father made it many years ago. I keep gluing it back together when it comes apart. The lights are still working. It is made out of baby food jars and I don't think they put baby food in jars any more! It is very pretty when the lights are off or not many on.
This is my very favorite... The kids never broke it over the years. I broke a piece off of one of them after Bill and I were married and I cried over it, but I would have to look closely to remember which one it is. It was interesting at Cookie Day. I heard one of the girls ask where baby Jesus was. I said he wasn't here yet, but I put him out for the picture. May HE reside in your heart this Christmas and all through the year. He is a present to you for free taking.

Merry Christmas to you and yours from Cowboy and me.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas dear brother and sister. I took Mom over to Grasslands in Midland to look at lights when she got in on Saturday. I do wonder where they put all that stuff when it is over. I think some of them may hire it done and whoever they paid to put the lights up take them down and store them. Have a wonderful day!
