Thursday, June 17, 2010

And The Winner Is...


I am following a blog that I found when I went to:  www.The Scrappy Apple  I have enjoyed following the blog of a fellow quilter who designs patterns, has a shop, makes quilts, goes to shows!  I am impressed and awed.  She said she was having a drawing and if any of the blog followers wanted their name put "in the hat" to indicate such.  She said she had picked a winner and the rest of us were a little sad.  AND THEN, she posted on my blog since the first person did not respond, my name was drawn!  Blessings for me!  We had quite a time making an e-mail connection, but finally got it done.

I receive the package yesterday and what a gift box!!  There were four yards of material, three fat quarters, 1/4 of material, plus "goodies" of all types.  I had best show the pictures!

I wish I could make that a little closer, but isn't that the cutest shadow box for a quilter girl??  I just love it!

The Christmas fabric is glorious and  I just need a pattern...ha!  All my quilting friends know I am a pattern girl and I don't deviate much.  Some of us are like that and I have friends that think out of "that box" and they try to stretch my mind occasionally.  It doesn't usually hurt me either. (Right Running, Quilting, Ranch Wife?)

I didn't take the notions out of the packages, but there are so many cute buttons and add-ons.  Isn't the quilting book cute?  See the snow flakes in the package at the top of the book?

Rosie O'Grady, this is to show you, I may be related...  All my gifts were packed in strips of fabric.  I could not bring myself to throw them away.  Surely there is a use for them.  Maybe I will recycle for packing, but for right now they are in my sewing room in a bag...  See how we are...

Many thanks John'aLee for the gifts!


  1. Well, congratulations on your big win! I am sure you can find a use for those pretty scraps. If nothing else you can use them as packing material. I have gotten ruthless what with movning, and now I am starting on my mother-in-law's house, and am being very ruthless. Fifty years of stuff, and a whole lot of junk. That is a cute little box the fabric came in.

  2. I'm so glad you were the winner. It was my hubby who packed it up....I had no idea he packed it in fabric strips! I did tell him, that I didn't want the shelf to get ruined in the mail. Sometimes these men of ours surprise us!!
    Happy Quilting!
