Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sydney Paige's Page!

Miss Sydney does not get to Montana very often and I have been saving these pictures for a day when I could pick and choose the pictures to post.  Of all our grand girls she lives the farthest.  If we had the funds we could "jet" everyone back and forth.  But, we do lots of phone talking and the newest thing is getting on "Skype" and I think it is the BEST.

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting this as I have everyone's name listed.  It was too precious not to share.

Cowboy PopPop, Auntie Cari, and Sydney tailing them...

Don't you love sequence pics...
From the back Cari and Tristin resemble.  (For those of you that don't know, Tristin is Cari's niece).
Joe has got to be the all-time kid horse.  He is so friendly and he is so gentle and kind.  In the pecking order of horses, they ALL still pick on Joe.  I just hate it for him.  But this is such a sweet picture of his nature and to a small child, he must seem enormous!

Miss Sydney gives Joe a pat.  Notice the "horse cat" walking the top of the fence.  Tiggy thinks she is in charge of everything on the ranch!

Finally!  Horseback!

Look Mom, I am sitting on Joe...

PopPop was trying to get the cow to eat "cow cake" out of his hand.  Grandpa took them to go look at cows and calves.  They also saw some sage hens with the roosters drumming, but between the dog and Sydney  they were a little bit too noisy for the hens.  Meghan was not able to hear them drumming.  It is something neat to hear and witness.
I wish I knew what Sydney was thinking...
Bonnie brought bunny ears for everyone and the kids loved them.  Grandma Margaret brought up plastic eggs with candy in them and the kids loved playing with them and hiding them and opening and eating the candy!  There is nothing quite like getting to play with cousins.  We were glad that Maggie and Angus came for part of the Saturday before Easter. 

Maggie and Angus are VERY busy dying Easter eggs.  The table is spread with freezer paper.  Much easier clean up.  Cookie day has us trained on what works best with kids.  As an aside, when I put the leaf in the table I found green frosting on the edge from cookie day that had been in December...  Ah, well, I had a quick walk down memory lane.

Rachel, Tristin, and Sydney getting ready to dye some eggs.  I dye eggs even if we have no one for Easter.  I love the colored eggs and we all like to eat deviled eggs.  Why doesn't one fix them more often?  One of those questions that float by.
I think Cari is helping one of them get their egg out of the dye...

Sydney helping Mommy and PopPop swing gates before they brand the new bulls.
Easter morning...

We had hot cross buns.  I tried Martha Stewart's recipe and it is definitely a keeper and better than the one I was using!  The table topper I made to be used at Easter.  It is so bright and cheery.  I used some of the Nickel packets. I saw the pattern in one of the quilt shops and decided I wanted to try it.

We went to the church service at Sand Springs.  They had a potluck before the service, so after the service there was dessert to be had for our sweet tooth people!  You know who you are!  Tristin, Rachel, and Cari left after the church service to get back to Billings and Bozeman respectively.  We still had Sydney, Meghan, Erin, and Nicole.

I love pictures like this...  What little girl doesn't love horses?  Look at those curious "boys" looking at that wee little girl.  There is nothing so soft as a horse's muzzle...

This ends our time with Miss Sydney and I saved that picture for last.  It makes me sad typing this as she is so far away and I would like her to touch those horses a little more often...  Our babies all grow so fast and as we get older we see the days just fanning by.  Weren't we all just 30 something not long ago?

One last thought on the picture.  Cowboy likes to say, "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a girl."  I took the liberty of changing that a little.  I think that quote is from Will Rogers or someone else.  Does anyone know for sure?

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for your prayers! I sure do appreciate it.
    I don't know if you got my last comment from your last post...but you are the WINNER in my giveaway. I never heard from the first winner, so I picked another number through the generator and your number came up.
    I need your address so I can send you the goodies!!
    I left my info in the last post!
    Thanks tons...and Congratulations!!
