Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cowboy Shipping Yearlings

Bill went to Roscoe to help ship yearlings. Since I bought the digital camera for him for an anniversary present a few years ago, (that is another story! To say he was surprised is an understatement! Sort of like buying your wife a rifle!) I thought he should take it with him and take some pictures. So all the pictures are from the back of a horse. There are mountains up there and it is just beautiful country.

Getting closer... As I was looking at the pictures I was glad we don't have to ride over those rocks all of the time. Rock garden anyone?
The buyer and two hands...

Jerome and Allison conferring...
A closer view. The mountains in the background are beautiful. I thought he took good pictures from the back of Ace.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures! The mountains sure add a quality of grandeur, don't they? That's a lot of yearlings, too. I'm glad Dad has a camera, and that he's willing to use it. Wayland has loved his little one, and we see a lot more of his life through that little lens.
