Wednesday, September 2, 2009

College, Kids, Pets...

This has been a busy week starting with last weekend. Tristin went to "big school" at Montana State University, Bozeman. It is where I graduated and to my recollection, I think it has only been a few years...gads!! I was going to go welcome her to MSU and then remembered, she didn't need/want Grammy there. She was probably trying to get Mom and Auntie pushed out the door after they got her moved in the dorm!
Tristin and Mom...
Tristin and Auntie...

I had to take Amy for her first set of x-rays on her foot, so she and I had brunch with Meghan and Cari at Cari's apartment. Cari took some good pictures of our "country dog visiting the sites of the city."
One wonders what they think...
She is still a pretty dog. I felt sorry for her as the splint has rubbed her leg raw above her toes and it has rubbed up on her thigh where the splint ends. She got a new splint and a new bandage and the x-rays looked good Dr. Brown said.

I think she thinks she "might" be a town dog...
It was so good to see Meghan. We missed Sydney being with us too! We planned a girl afternoon for pedicures and I was wanting the other girls, all of them, with us too!! (I have been wondering how to make it possible one weekend with just us and kiddies...) With them working or having kids it is impossible to have a spur of the moment gathering. Our gatherings take some planning!!!
Cari took a day off and we spent some wonderful time together. We laughed, and cried and teased. They teased their Mom, imagine that! Meghan asked me if I remembered the time with Peggy and the girls... I didn't remember and then we got off on another train of thought and I have been racking my brain over our little trip with Peggy, Tessa, and Terra... hummmm!

We put Meghan on the plane Monday evening. Goodbyes are so hard, but I know she will be back soon. Thank God for air travel and telephones and e-mail. Snail mail is nice to re-read cards and letters. I am a card person to my very depths!

This picture was taken this morning after getting home from Billings last evening. I put Amy outside for some fresh air (she is still to be confined) and when I looked, Tiggy had climbed in the kennel. She has done it before. They are truly buddies and they are excluding Miss Fancy for the time being! One day when Amy was in the kennel, Tiggy was in the dog house sleeping.
Nothing like pets to watch and wonder about...


  1. Can't believe you have a college granddaughter already. Those are the cutest pictures of Amy looking out the window--she is such a smart dog. How does Tristan like college?

  2. That's a whole lot of pretty, in one post!

    I can just SEE Miss Tristin, hugging and shuffling everyone out of the dorm room! Big day, for everyone.

    And Amy is looking more comfortable, without the tshirt. I'm sure she was looking out the window, thinking there were some things that could use a good herding...
