Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cowboys and Romance

Women of all ages like romance.

After I typed that I thought maybe I had better just speak for myself. If any of you have read THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES by Gary Chapman, you know that "receiving gifts" is one of the five languages. It is a fun book to read and I think that I like all of the five at different times.

My Cowboy came home from riding one day with some miniature iris tied with horse hair that he had found at an old homestead where he is taking care of the cattle. I just loved the gesture and loved him for thinking of it!! He probably got a pie out of that sweet gesture! Need I say more...
Bill has brought me a posy now and then but it had been awhile!

He is riding Big Blue, but we have sold him. He is a really nice horse. He is making Scott E. a great horse.

I have tried packing things horseback and it isn't all that easy! I did find some broken glass that was purple, so it is in my garden collection. I am trying to make an area for flowers, interesting items, and for contemplation, but My Cowboy is worried about the water draining away from the house and the sloop of the ground before I get too carried away... See my dilemma?

Amy goes to the vet tomorrow, so have been burning up the tires the last two weeks with Dr. visits and vet visits for family.


  1. Those little flags are beautiful! I found some south of our house and was able to transplant some to the flower bed....they are lovely.

    You're right; it IS hard to pack things on a horse, and it speaks a lot of how much Dad thinks of you, that he brought those home, for his little K.L.!

  2. That cowboy sure is a sweetie, and don't we all like to get little gifts!
