Thursday, October 15, 2009

Don D and Betty Jean

There really is another iron man that I haven't written about. His helper is his wife. When I first met them, they were Don D. and Betty Jean Proue. We have become such good friends over the years. I met them in Jordan. After moving to Melstone, I found out they were in the country over there. They were called "Don and Betty" in Roundup. Betty told me one time that they always knew who they were talking with by what they were called: family and friends from Garfield County call them Don D. and Betty Jean.

Our kids grew up...we weathered many storms...

When I went through a really hard time in my life they were there for me. Not many couples want anything to do with a woman going through a divorce. Not my friends Don D. and Betty Jean! There was one other couple that didn't treat me like I had the plague.

I have to relate a couple of fun stories... We all like to dance so Don and Betty said to meet them in Roundup and we would go to the dance at the community center. Don told me, "By the way, be sure to BYOB, I mean Bring Your Own Boyfriend!" We had a big laugh. He asked his Aunt Dorothy too and made sure we each got at least one dance.

Another time they picked me up at the "town house" (north of Billings after I had moved). Don told me it would take someone pretty special to drive over that two miles of really rough gravel. Thank God Bill was willing...

Betty was one of my attendants when we were married and that is where the iron work comes in!
This was a wedding present for Bill and me. The cowgirl is holding a bouquet and the cowboy is holding the ring! It is just the cutest gift, what a great idea!!

Don made us two lamps and Betty searched high and low for just the right shades. The mat that the lamp is on is really for the "Cowboy and Cowgirl" and they do set on this table.

I had Don build these spurs for Bill's first Christmas. What greater compliment that to be wearing them...

This blog is a tribute to our dear friends! I could go on and on. Don is a cowboy in the truest sense of the word...he would give you the shirt off of his back and Betty is the same. We were short handed one "gathering" day and Don came and rode a long day for Bill. Betty came when I first came back to Jordan and got me started painting in our home. The whole house needed to painted. She is a "let's just get started" kind of girl. They are both deeply loved at our house!!! There is so much not said! Read between the lines and my tears...


  1. Karen~

    I just finally got around to reading this and enjoyed it SO much. Brought tears to my eyes. Mom and Dad have so many fun memories with you in them! I know they, too, feel blessed to call you "friend".


  2. Can I tell you, that when I found out that Don D. and Betty were your good friends, it put a big stamp of approval on my Dad's choice of his "sweetheart"?! I understand how hard it is to try to describe them in a blog post; it's pretty tough to come up with the words that can honor those two in the way they need to be.

    The recent email you forwarded, with Don on his horse for the first time since his roping accident, brought a lot of happy tears here. So glad you wrote this!
