Sunday, October 11, 2009

Iron Circles, Spirals and More!

We have a deck outside of a sliding glass door that leads from our kitchen area. There was no way off of the deck and being somewhat claustrophobic I wanted a way DOWN! One day inspiration hit and I called our "favorite" son-in-law and asked him to figure out how we could do a spiral staircase off of the deck. In the wee hours of the morning while he was calving maybe he could come up with an idea!! His wife said he really liked the idea and did some research. He got catalogs and we poured over one when they came to visit.

Before the stair case idea he wanted to reinforce the deck railing with iron work as any little person could fall through so easily!
Before we had a chance to order a staircase, his Dad saw one behind a business in Miles City that had taken it out and it was laying outside. Wayland called them up to find out the price and before he was done, he offered them half of what they had asked in the first place!! Eureka!! We were on our way!

He built the platform at the top of the stairs, reinforced it with the iron with circles to match the iron in the deck railing, reinforced it in other areas that I can't remember, BUT he would know. All I do know is that I love it and the kids LOVE it even more. They race up and down the thing and the pets think it was put there just for them!! Besides, it makes putting the hammock on the deck MUCH EASIER!

The bird bath brings enjoyment as I watch out the window over the sink while doing dishes or preparing meals. It was under the deck and I finally moved it last year so I could keep it full and enjoy the birds. They use it and Tiggy likes it too!! She has been seen sitting near it waiting...

This is a flower that goes in the brick planter. That Wayland is a wonder!!

The bird is another creation of Wayland's. He bought part of the bird, but I can't tell you which part. All I know is I like it and so far the kids haven't impaled themselves. I put it low and out of the way somewhat of their many treks through the yard and around the house!

BJ made two lamps for the bunk house and he made them out of rasps. For those not in the know, it is a type of rough file.

They fit perfectly in the bunk house. Horse shoes make up the bottom. BJ did a wine rack for one of the girls. He is like everyone else, he likes to do it, not a lot of time and money also.

There are other items in our home that were BK (before Karen) that Wayland has made and a snow man. There is a standing lamp and also a telephone stand. All I know is that he has good ideas. He told me once he didn't want to mass produce anything. He liked making something and maybe never make that again. That is how I feel about some of the things I make in quilting...that was fun, now what else can I do. So I understand completely. He wants me to make him a Mariner's Compass wall hanging or quilt. I am still waiting for his material or ideas...
I am thinking I could teach him to quilt. There are some men that are making really BIG bucks with their quilting inventions and patterns. One is a engineer and his patterns show it!!! But I digress...

I think that our pieces of iron are much more valuable than the cost of them...they have such meaning and thoughts of the giver is always close. How blessed we are...


  1. Hi Dear One! You do have a fantastic collection of iron work art. These men are a lot more creative than anyone thinks. It's a shame they don't have more time to create things. I loved the pictures.

  2. And P.S. I would like to see an update on the kitten and Amy.

  3. Wayland is drooling over BJ's lamps. And I'm still kind of in awe that the circular staircase my head, it can't possibly!

    You really DO have a lot more iron work than I knew! That's wonderful.

    Right now, Wayland is working with copper, and trying to make coins. I can't remember what he calls them, but he's playing with finishes and relief images. You'll have to hit him up for one or two. Maggie is collecting them like pirate booty...
