Sunday, October 25, 2009

Projects and Pie

Today was the bazaar in Jordan. The VFW Auxiliary ladies were asked to bring a pie. It is a minor irritation to me that sometimes they will freeze the pies. I heard today that they used most of them and sold the rest as "whole" pies which is good. Sooo, before I knew all that I decided that I would bake a cream pie of some sort and had bananas on the counter... Voila! Banana cream pie with a meringue. I really love lemon meringue pie but don't make it too often. I have been practicing so that when The Farmer's Wife lets us know she is coming, I will surprise her and make one!

Cowboy was so generous that he bought me a new mixer the other day. Mine had not quit, but wouldn't turn the bowl and was a pain in the neck! Have been "practicing" with the new one and let me tell you!! Meringue, it whips to a "T." Grandma couldn't believe I had so much. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was fun to have one turn out. It might have been a little browner...
Table topper for Halloween. Just the right size to whip one out!!

The receiving blanket below is a gift waiting to be given, just have to get it to the cute baby girl!
(Did I say I love purples in most shades?! And the lime green--it is so popular right now!)

They have such beautiful flannels and such good quality. I can remember back a few years ago when there weren't the choices now.

This is the third bag I have made and still don't have one. I keep giving them away! This one went for an auction. I used up some of the fabric left over from a "cowboy" quilt that I did. I just need to sew the binding down on the "cowboy" quilt. I have a couple of other projects in the works, but no pics as they aren't finished yet.

The aprons are ready for "Cookie Day" in December... That is another blog completely!

1 comment:

  1. You are a busy lady, sewing, cooking and blogging. Are you getting any sleep?
