Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Guns and Jewels

Today it has been eight years since Cowboy and I were married! Where did the time go?? As I remember it, we were both pretty nervous! Looking at pictures of my Dad and BJ--it makes me laugh at their faces when we walked down the aisle.

We celebrated Sunday night with supper at home: boiled lobster (butter of course!), steamed potatoes, and a fresh tossed salad. It was a delicious meal and a joint effort in cooking it. There was no dessert so I knew on Tuesday I had to make something special!

This morning before we opened our gifts, Cowboy stated he didn't want his present put on the blog for all to see and he didn't want me to open mine and show it either in case some one came and got both presents!! He isn't as brave as The Farmer displaying his "goods." I put the ribbon I put on his present to show he did get something. His present stands in for several special holidays, if you know what I mean!! The "girls" know exactly (well, maybe not EXACTLY) what is in mine! I don't mind telling you they are beautiful! Cowboy comes through... I am so spoiled, but the "girls" love it. They will all have some of it someday!! With all the grand girls that we have here is hoping Cowboy can keeping buying the bling!

Cowboy's favorite...blueberry pie!!

As you can see, the men ate the blueberry pie and assured me it was GOOD and wondered why there hadn't been pie yesterday too!! This is the most pie-eating bunch of cowboys I have every been around!!! As far as blueberry being Cowboy's favorite--I think that he likes only two kinds of pie: hot pie and cold pie! The pie today was hot because they called at 11:20 and said they were coming in for lunch. The pie came out of the oven at 11:50 a.m. Lunch around here is anywhere from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m (or later). I try to live by the philosophy: "Blessed are the flexible, they shall not be bent out of shape."

This morning we counted our blessings before breakfast...we finally just had to stop. What a good life, this country life...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation! I am hungry for a blueberry pie; it looks soooooooooo good.
