Sunday, February 7, 2010

Did I Mention Snow...

I don't want to whine because I am one of the first ones to say I love the change of seasons we have here in Montana.  This year has been a snowy one to say the least!  And, I don't even have to get out in the darned stuff and do any work!  We have gone to two funerals in the last two days and the days have been dreary for both!  Yesterday we traveled to Lewistown in the fog and it seemed like a really long trip.

I took the first picture earlier last week because it was such a BEAUTIFUL sunrise!  We do have spectacular sunrises and sunsets.  Yes, we may have had a glimpse of some sun!  The sunrises and sunsets pull at the heart strings and I know that our God is the only one who could create such masterpieces.  Cameras just can't quite capture the images as they change before our very eyes!!

I am having quite a time getting my pictures on my post this time.  Anyway, Cowboy came to the house at 4:30 p.m. and said he was going to get a calf out of the cows and back to the pasture where the LAST of the calves are.  Naturally I wanted to know how long it would take as dark was coming and it was snow fairly large flakes.  I won't type his reply.  I turn "things" over to God but I do my own little ritual of worrying!  I know, I know...  I got a good picture of them going, Cowboy and Cash.  The wind was whipping a little.  Once they got through the gate, I took another picture, but they were moving so fast that my picture is blurry.  Suffice it to say "they were moving on out!"  I read on my book, I did some telephoning, I washed a few dishes, all the while looking out the window and watching...

They are back, have the gate closed and are on their way!  You can see, we still have plenty of snow.  Bill can get the best out of his horses.  There is so much ice under our snow, yikes!!!

Here they come to tell me what???  Oh, there is one more job and it can be done in the pickup to go get a generator and bring it back and Amy can go along for moral support.  Whew!  Home safe and sound, Thank You God!

1 comment:

  1. I will be so glad when your winter finally ends. It makes me feel guilty when I complain about 20 degrees above zero. All that snow makes the simple things hard;I just hope you get some run off from it. Blessings.
