Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sun Dogs

Going to town for a root canal for Cowboy...

We stopped to take a picture of two sun dogs.  I looked it up in the dictionary and it is called "parhelion" (spell check doesn't recognize it!).  My old timers told me, "a change in the weather" and Cowboy said Gramps said, "Bad weather is 'acomin'."  All I know it was a beautiful day yesterday and in the 40's in Billings.  It was hard to come back to the cold country!  This morning it is 22 degrees and no clouds and the promise of lots of sunshine!  YES!!!
It was about 11 degrees.  Cowboy was impressed because there were two and he said that "we" would have to blog the picture.  He is getting to be quite the picture taker...
The root canal went well and he was practically giddy when it was over.  He is scared of dentists and wishes he could have had a gentle dentist when he was a child.  Some dentists do know how to put the fear in children and then others are super!  I remember B.J. having a root canal done when he was 9 and they made me sit in the waiting room.  I could hear him moaning in the other room.  My palms sweat and I could hardly stand it.  B.J. had broken his front teeth off at school (on square boards on wheels in P.E. and they disposed of them after that!).  The dentist said to leave them chipped until he started to become interested in girls, then we could do something with them!

I washed the car while Bill was at the dentist.  I know it was foolhardy, but it was pretty bad and now we can see completely out the back window!!  I am quite a "backer-upper" so I need to see...but that is another story!

I have a couple more pictures to post that are a week old.


Cowboy with his favorite*, Jen, and wearing the scarf she got him for Christmas.  He loves all his kiddies!

Liv, she looks like a mermaid, and such a cute one!!  She is growing so much!  We love getting the hugs and mooches!

Here is Kamryn Grace (I love her name!) and she is the "oldest" of the younger set.  She was a little over eight months old when Cowboy and I got married!  

We had taken birthday presents down to her on February 16 and her "day" was February 15!  It seems like we can't get the kids here at the ranch as often as we would like.  Kamy has stayed the most other than Tristin and Tristin is of the older set!  

*An earlier post gives the definition and if you are really curious you can call!  Ha!


  1. That is the prettiest and biggest sun dog I have ever seen, and it means a change in weather, so maybe a heat wave is on the way. We have them down here--not like that, and no one knows what they are or are even aware of them. Great pictures of the kids, and they sure are growing. Amen to the old time dentists we went to. I can still remember the slow-grind drills, and no deadening at all, and the pain. Actually the anticipation of pain was worse. This treatment marks a person for life. Root canals are not supposed to hurt, and if they are done right they don't. We had a warmer day, and I planted bulbs. I hope the deer will leave them alone!

  2. Karen, once again you have beautiful pictures! Love the sundog. And yes you do have winter over there. Jay and I drove around to Jordan on our way to Jana's and about Sandsprings, winter really has hit! All the way around to Jana's. I was glad to get home where there was snow but only knee deep. :-)
